Welcome to Room 28, Year 3


During this first four weeks of the term, I have been very pleased with the effort made by the children to transition smoothly back into school and classroom routines. It has been wonderful to see the students of Room 28 showing initiative and independence in our classroom, and I am often overhearing comments of encouragement and praise between the children.

Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend out Parent Information Evening. If you have any further questions or were unable to attend, please don’t hesitate to come and speak with me. It was lovely to see so many parents put their hand up to volunteer in our classroom. Parent assistance in the classroom can help enrich the classroom program and the children absolutely love working and reading with parent helpers. If our class needs parent volunteers at any stage during the year I will put a notice up on the class blog and outside the classroom. Please get involved in the Principal’s Reading Program to help our class.

There have been some delays getting Literacy Pro up and running, which we are currently sorting out. I will let the students know when they are ready and able to log on and start reading. In the meantime, students can read their library books for their home reading.

This year, the students of Room 28 are learning to touch type. Below is the link to the touch typing website they are using in the mornings. It is a free website that teaches students to use the correct finger positioning and the children have been thoroughly enjoying this part of the day. I encourage children to use the typing program at home when possible, but it is imperative that they are using the correct finger positioning and not defaulting back to using their two index fingers.
*You can sign up for a free typing account using your email address if you like, but it is not required. Signing up logs the students’ points and progress, however, you can still use the online program without signing up as we do at school.

As part of Wattle Grove Primary School’s sustainability initiative, we have a battery collection program. If you have any used batteries, please send them to school with your children where they are collected and recycled.

Our first Senior Assembly will be held on Friday the 9th of March (Week 6) at 8:45am. All parents are welcome to attend.

Miss Emma Ahearn
Class Teacher