Welcome to Room 28, Year 3

Room 13 and Room 28's Assembly

A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to all students from Room 13 and Room 28 for hosting the Senior Assembly last Friday. The students have worked so hard for many weeks to prepare, including making their own costumes from recycled materials, learning their speaking parts, remembering songs and actions and completing poems for the WOW Writing Boards. Thank you to parents and families for helping their children organise their costumes and remember their lines. The students have worked tirelessly and Miss Lockyer and myself were so proud of the way they conducted themselves and performed.

I would also like to acknowledge Leila, Riley and Francis for receiving Merit Certificates. Lucy was awarded the Values Award of Excellence and Commitment and Scarlet was presented with Room 28's Science Award. Congratulations to Anjali and Francis for achieving their Bronze Certificate on Literacy Pro, Ron for achieving his Red Certificate and Sienna-Rose for achieving her Blue Certificate.